Dialogue Monitoring and Statistics

This project is one of a series of custom Drupal modules for encouraging user contribution to an online community website, monitoring performance and measuring success.

Site-wide performance is accessed by administrators who can view tailored performance statistics and can drill down to a city, organisation or a specific user in a selected country. Thanks to Ajax and Json.

It is based on pre-defined performance indicators which can also be configured in the administration area to allow generation of custom performance reports which can be accessed by users, supervisors, managers and country coordinators.

// @todo: Add features and module list.

It has its own schema for fast database query. Beside Google Chart, this module utilizes Drupal's Form API, Schema API, and the contributed Date API which is currently inculded in core Drupal 8.

Original work, first comments and subsequent comments are displayed in the user profile in a column chart. Individual contribution is shown along with points earned and percentage performance.

Custom reports are generated for each organisation, manager and country coordinator. The report, which shows useful performance data and whether targets are achieved, can be customised by setting the range of data and dates.
